Just eat me.
Client Koko King
Campaign Just Eat Me
Client had ordered 200,000 pieces of unbaked-frozen croissant from Europe to serve a buyer who had requested for daily snacks for a period of time. Before croissant would arrive, the buyer had unexpected turn of events and had to cancel the order -and indeed they did. Client tried to find a new buyer but couldn't get any who would buy significant quantity in time, and that led them to Riverblade Creative.
Out task was to create an advertising campaign that would create awareness and generate demand for the 200,000 pieces of the frozen croissant within 6 months.

Our approach
We surveyed the market to know how much croissant competition there is, and also to know the scale of demand for it. We found that everyday people don't eat croissant much at all; with reasons going from access to price. The regular folks we engaged tended to think croissant is for the rich and upper class so is never on their snack list, and they hardly even come across it at the places they eat or buy snack from. Client's price was not that high and it wasn't low enough for the low income folks either, so the game was cut for the middle and upper class.
Creative Action
In an online and POS campaign, we decided to tell a story about this snack, and tell it in a style that would make the middle class want to have a bite of "this thing they are talking about" and also tell it with punch that would put it on top of the minds of the upper class –who knew it and was already eating it from other places. Additionally we tagged the communications with the price to help reduce hesitation in the mind's of prospective consumers'.
First, we told a story about where the 'thing' is from. and the fact that that doesn't really matter, it's a good food made for everyone so 'just eat it
And then we went into the taste to make make it extra appealing to the and worth every penny one spends on it.
and then we hinted on the healthiness to take away the worries of the health-conscious consumers
The campaign attracted new consumers and the 200,000 pieces of frozen croissant were sold out in 7 weeks.
That is 4 months and 1 week ahead of targeted time.
Hundreds of first-time croissant eaters were attracted and converted into habitual Koko King consumers.